Preparedness Plan
The health and safety of our campers is a very high priority. In light of the COVID-19 pandemic, we think it is important that you understand our efforts to monitor your camper’s health and safety so that you can make an informed choice. We are focused on taking all reasonable measures to prevent the spread of any infectious disease in our camp.
Some of these are things we have done and will continue to do; some are things we are enhancing to reduce risk; and a few are newly implemented as part of our COVID-19 response. We have strengthened our standard cleaning procedures, while adding increased frequency measures for things such as wiping down common touch points, dining hall areas, and activity equipment. Additionally, we have taken measures to monitor and address symptomatic campers by introducing a pre-camp health screener, daily temperature checks, and protocols to isolate, confirm, respond, and remove any camper or staff with suspected infectious disease.

This situation changes continually, and as such, we will adapt and adjust our protocols and procedures as we follow the guidance provided by the CDC and local health departments, in our efforts to help keep our campers, staff, and families safe.
Ultimately, the decision to attend Cooperstown Bible Camp is your personal choice. Even with these policies in place, CBC cannot guarantee that the risk of illness will be fully eliminated. These policies are in place to mitigate the spread of illness as much as possible. If you are uncomfortable with the risks of COVID-19 in a camp setting or having you or your child interact with our staff and other campers, we have several options available to you, including a full refund or moving your registration to a future event.
To view our complete preparedness plan, please click on "Learn More"
it's a team effort!
CBC is blessed to partner with a team of nurses. This team is led by a registered nurse who has a passion for camp nursing. They work tirelessly to monitor and support camper health.
constant hand sanitization program
At CBC, high-percentage alcohol-based hand sanitizer is available in every facility and throughout our camp. Additionally, our staff are trained to encourage every camp to use hand sanitizer each time they enter and exit a building. This simple system keeps campers and staff hands sanitized throughout the day.
keeping seperate
Our camp has a designated area for use in the unfortunate event that one or more campers contract an illness that might spread. Our health center team will employ specific protocols to ensure that illnesses are caught and contained quickly.
let's keep it clean
Every cabin at CBC is cleaned daily by CBC staff according to our disinfecting protocol. This process is something we intentionally train our staff on, and one we oversee with daily checklists and accountability. Bathrooms are sanitized, floors are mopped, and surfaces disinfected. CBC has recently purchased foggers that will be used before, during, and after camps. Additionally, after each retreat or camp we take the opportunity to perform camp sanitizing protocol.
staff and camper training
Every camper and staff at CBC is trained to keep their hands clean. For campers, we specifically cover good hygiene, including proper handwashing, during camper orientation on the first day of their stay. Additionally, our staff are trained on CBC’s policies and standards for ensuring campers are taking advantage of handwashing, hand sanitizer, and clean laundry.
let's check the temp
Our camp utilizes thermometers to scan every camper for fever. If a camper is found to have and elevated temperature (100.4 or higher), they are guided to our health center for further evaluation away from other campers and staff.
our camp nurses
Our health care program is staffed by passionate RN’s who love camp and kids. These nurses watch over the health of our campers and act quickly to identify, contain, and treat any issues or symptoms that may appear.
partnering with parents
We know that you want the best for your child, and we want them to have the best experience possible at CBC. That’s why any parent whose child has had a fever or illness within 72 hours of their term, is asked to contact our office to evaluate the best options for everyone’s health and safety.
lowering health risk
ALL participants – campers and staff – will monitor their temperature prior to their arrival to CBC. We’ll be partnering with families and staff to identify anyone who has relevant exposure, symptoms, or elevated temperature. We will not be allowing anyone into CBC who is identified as posing a health risk to our campers and staff.
limiting exposure
We will be severely limiting access of non-program participants onto our property such as our families and vendors.
daily checks
Staff will keep camp safe by adhering to many new protocols including enhanced sanitation, daily temp checks, and more.
no shared items
New procedures will prohibit campers from handling shared items. Our staff will distribute mealtime items so that campers are not handling each other’s plates, utensils, etc.
hand touching
Staff and campers will practice social distancing such as no hand touching while saying “grace”, no “high-fives”, etc. These will be replaced with practices that support our stringent focus on health safety and sanitation.
spread it out
Throughout our program, including mealtimes, activities, and events, we are encouraging our campers and staff to “Spread it out” and follow good social distancing guidelines.
double up
To allow us to keep our campers distancing in check, when necessary, we’ll be implementing additional mealtime service, offer multiple, smaller activity groups, and generally looking for opportunities to reduce large group gatherings.
be outside
Fresh air, sunshine, humidity, and heat are all things that we have plenty of here in the valley. We believe that campers in the outdoors can stay healthier and happier.
CBC will screen all campers and staff in accordance to our COVID-19 screening arrival protocol. If someone tests positive for COVID-19 during or after the event, you will be notified as soon as possible.
rapid response
In the event of an illness, including COVID-19, our protocol is structured to Identify, Isolate, Confirm, Respond, and Remove the impacted camper. Of course, we will be communicating closely with the camper’s family and handle any case with CBC care.
heightened security
Our CBC staff will be equipped to validate essential access, facilitate temperature checks of individuals accessing our camp, and distribute masks and gloves when needed.
front of mind
The best policies are those that are remembered. Therefore, we are posting signage and reminders throughout camp and facilities to ensure that campers, staff, and essential personnel are constantly reminded of our expectations.
enhanced travel protocols
All methods of camper and staff travel will be subject to enhanced protocols including temperature checks and screening. We are revamping all our arrival, drop-off, and pick-up procedures to help prevent any unnecessary exposure.
activity enhancements
We’re evaluating all activities and programs to determine opportunities to alter, enhance, or swap out to keep them in compliance with our many policies and protocols. Each activity will be subject to additional sanitation and hygiene protocols.
full disclosure
We are making sure our families know that the choice to come to camp is an individual and personal one. We are working with families to provide options for them should they choose to cancel or delay their registration until a future event.
resting well and healthy
Rested campers are healthy campers, so we’re revising our programs to spread out activities and allow campers and staff to rest and recharge. While they are resting, campers and staff bunks are being configured for Head to Toe arrangements to provide additional distancing.
partnering with our staff and volunteers
Our staff/volunteers will be provided additional guidelines and expectations to help them reduce their exposure to the public and potential COVID-19 exposure. All staff and volunteers will spend their time off with limited movement off camp property and will sleep at camp.
"checking in"
Beyond daily staff and camper temperature checks, our staff will constantly be monitoring campers and frequently asking the question “How are you feeling?”. Of course, this is CBC, so we will make it fun and friendly, but focused on health and safety!