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Early Bird Camps

This is a shorter week of camp that exists to introduce first through third grade students to the person of Jesus Christ, His Gospel, and the greatness of God within the context of God’s beautiful creation and loving counselors. Campers get to experience a wide range of activities that keep that busy all week including learning new songs, memorizing scripture with actions, watching skits, water games, octaball, kickball, low-ropes, cabin bonding games, captivating teachings from gifted speakers, prayer time with their cabin, alone time with God, and much much more!

Jr Camps

This is a thrilling week of camp for fourth through sixth grade students, in which junior campers are equipped with timeless Biblical truths, interact with their cabin mates, and participate in a variety of unique camp games and challenges in addition to daily Biblical Quizzing cabin competitions.

Jr High Camps

This camp encourages students to take ownership of their faith and live out their Christianity with actions in truth while building enduring friendships through cabin challenges, individual God Time, small group interaction, and corporate worship. 

Sr High Camp

For passionate followers of Jesus Christ  striving for spiritual growth, this week combines breakout seminars, God Time, and evening sessions packed with intense teaching and worship designed to strengthen and encourage senior high students in their faith.  Cabin challenges, high ropes, paintball, archery tag, sports tournaments, bonfires, trips to the Cooperstown pool, and themed dinners allow campers to engage with their friends and create a unique and unforgettable experience.

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